Sunday, 21 June 2009

You Don't Need No Make Up OOOOOOOOOnnnnnnn....No Make-Up....No, No Make-Up....

So I'm alive! :)

The slums are like twice as less scary as everyone says they are. It's actually really sad how unscary it is...I felt safe the whole time and I even went out and explored at night with my good friend Chris! It was great! We stayed with a man named Henry and his son Humphrey. He comes from the land that Obama comes from- Kenya is in love with Obama. They see him as the pinnacle of hope for them and their land. If a Kenyan can become President of the largest country in the world- then they too can do anything they set their minds too. I love it. :)

It's been funny this week because we have been driving in one of the most ghetto vans of all time while we have been staying in Kenya this week. It has strobe lights and a flat screen tv that plays old rap videos. It's been fun.

I am overwhelmed by the amount of poverty in Nairobi, and it is difficult to understand why people in America, myself included, waste so many of our resources on things that are very meaningless while others struggle to even feed and clothe themselves. I would challenge all of us to read a book entitled Irresistable Revolution as it has been impacting many of us on the trip thus far.

I taught in schools this week about HIV/AIDS. It was amazing for me to see the respect and honor I was received with while giving my speech about AIDS and such. Education here is seen as an opportunity. It is not a right, and it is something you earn here. Children and teachers alike listen with very high attentions and wish to learn as much as possible. They are also desperate for better teachers. They long for American teachers to come and help them teach the children. It's crazy.

While in the slums I ate what looked like spoiled fish, but it was one of the best meals I have had thus far! We made it by candlelight and then ate with our hands as is the tradition here in Kenya while eating a traditional food called Ugali. I payed for it the next day though. :)

Kilimanjaro was one of the most difficult physical things I have ever experienced. By day three I was on my knees puking my guts out most of the night due to either the stomach flu or altitude sickness. But I recovered for the next day which was good because that was our longest day. We hiked for 7 hours to around 4600 meters, slept for three hours, then woke up at 11pm to start hiking to the top for 7.5 hours. We climbed over 1300 meters in 7 hours. The incline was like walking up a wall. It was freezing cold. Like if you jumped into an ice lake then went into a freezer to warm up, then also brought in a fan. That's how cold it was. :)

But the sun rose, and I was amoung the small few that saw the sun come over the Tanzanian plains, and at that moment was one of the tallest people in all of the world. I am still wondering if I'd do it again- but once was worth it for sure. Kilimanjaro is one of the tallest mountains you can climb without having to bring oxygen tanks- though I would have like to have one. :)

Today we went to church and met back up with the church that we visited the week before last in Kenya. It was good to see the Conquerors again! :) Okay, the sun is going down in the ghetto...I have to leave the cafe! :)

Isaiah 55

The Compassion of the LORD
1"Come, everyone who thirsts,
come to the waters;
and he who has no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without price.
2 Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourselves in rich food.
3Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David.



Karen said...

I don't get the title... maybe its just me... i dunno...
Anyway... Glad you're alive and you still have your limbs. :)
It sounds like an incredible trip so far. :)

Sarah said...

Matt my friend! This is Sarah (Speakman) Caruso!! I am so glad I found your blog! You look like you are having the time of your life, kid. I love your posts and all the cool insights and life experiences you are going through. I am excited to hear about all your awesome adventures and stay updated on your life! Hope you don't mind me checking in every now and then. :)